Tuesday 25 May 2010

Recording the CD (Part 26)


Track #2, 'Star Birth And Death', has been completed recording wise (just a few remaining FX's and stuff @ the end, to round things up...).
Here's a link to a sample of the complete VERY ROUGH mix (320 kbps mp3) of it:

Starbirth And Death (Superwindz Mix) - VERY ROUGH Mix

This is what I call the 'Superwindz Mix', which means it has a rather long, atmospheric mid section.... track clocks in @ about 8 mins !
Well, lemme hear whatcha think :)


Friday 21 May 2010

Recording the CD (Part 25)

Finally getting towards the finalization of track 2, just have to add a repetition of the main hookline and some freaky stuff here and there...... & done !
I'll keep y'all posted !

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Recording the CD (Part 24)

Hell yes !
Just sampled a speech (woman's voice) from NASA.com about the birth and death of stars (supernova's and stuff, VERY interesting), took out a small piece where she says 'star birth & death', ran it through the vocoder (wow, I feel like Kayne West :) ) added some notes.... and damn, I got me myself a singer for the chorus of track 2 !!! Also did a robotized rendering of the voice.... Below is a sample, so you might check it out !


Song #2 had a very obvious title change, it'll be called 'Star Birth and Death'.
I'm almost done w/ the mid section, which I call the Out In Space part.... very ambient with a trancy ending to it, before launching once more into the house hookline.... Methinks when finished, it'll cross the 7 minute line.
Wow, I'm totally hyped about this song !
Cheerz y'all !

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Recording the CD (Part 23)

Completed the synth (spacy chords) & drum (same bouncy beat but with different snares and hats) parts for the second bridge of track #2. Also recorded some 'Simmons' drum fills which just sound sooo kool !
On to the mid section..... some ideas are bubbling widely :)
Oh, track #2 has gotten it's title: 'S-IVB' (pronounced es-four-bee)... more info = here:

Catch y'all later !

P.s. been bizzy working on the next Sweetz From A Stranger track ('The Hallway'), sounds quite promising !